
Associate Professor


Ph.D. Louisiana State University, 2012

M.A. Louisiana State University, 2009

B.A. University of Tennessee, Knoxville, 2004


  • College of Arts and Sciences
  • 政治科学


  • 性别问题
  • 政治


Dr. 娜塔莎宾汉 received her Ph.D. from Louisiana State University in 2012. Her research interest focuses on the role of gender, 性, 比赛, ethnicity and national identity in comparative politics, and American state politics,和 intersection of nationalism, national identity and conflict. Her work has appeared in several peer-reviewed journals such as 政治 & 政策, Women’s Studies: An Inter-disciplinary Journal, Comparative Sociology, PS: 政治科学 and 政治,和 Journal of Lesbian Studies. She teaches courses on comparative politics, Russian/Post-Soviet politics, Northern Irish politics, 性别政治, 和民族主义, conflict and peace studies. Dr. Bingham is the faculty advisor to Pi Sigma Alpha, the political science honor society and the Director of the Loyola University 新奥尔良 Summer Ireland program.


  • Comparative Government I and II
  • 俄罗斯政治
  • Soviet/Post-Soviet 政治
  • Gender and Global 政治
  • Comparative 民族主义s
  • 政治 of Northern Ireland
  • 政治 and Dictators

Areas of 专业知识

  • Comparative 政治
  • 性别研究
  • Eastern European 政治/俄罗斯政治
  • Women and Minorities in 政治
  • 民族主义
  • 暴力冲突