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June Gehringer - Class of 2017

在奥马哈出生和长大, Nebraska, 琼·格林格(June Gehringer)是一名混血的中国跨性别女性,她不知怎么还活着. 她是……的作者 我不写种族 (Civil Coping Mechanisms, 2018), I love you it looks like rain (《About It》,2017),以及 EVERYONE IS A BIG BUG TO SOMEONE (自费出版,20170. 她是tenderness yea的联合创始人,推特@unlovablehottie.

Mikaela Grantham - Class of 2017

Mikaela Grantham is co-publisher and co-editor of Disorder Press她和哥哥约瑟夫·格兰瑟姆(Joseph Grantham)共同经营着一家独立图书出版商. 紊乱出版小说, novels, poetry, and whatever they believe needs to be out there in beautiful book form--especially work that is difficult to categorize.

Kendall Michelle Daigle

Kendall Michelle Daigle (1994-2014) had a brilliant smile and an intellect to match. 一个土生土长的新奥尔良人,对文字有着与生俱来的热情, she began writing at a very young age, 并将世界视为人类研究的调色板. 这本选集捕捉到了她一些独特的想法, hopes, and dreams, and is a powerful testament to her talent as a writer and the promise she showed. A lover of literature and a lover of humanity, 肯德尔的梦想是改变别人的生活. 当她发现自己染上了毒瘾, 这可能是绝症, it terrified her. 而她的一些诗则是对死亡的沉思, in truth, 她知道她这辈子还有很多事要做, and considered the possibility unfathomable. Kendall recovered from her addiction only to have a short relapse that took her life a few days before her twentieth birthday. This volume above is the record of her work.

Adam Gnuse

A. J. Gnuse是 Girl in the Walls, published by 4th Estate and Ecco in 2021. He received an MFA in fiction from UNC Wilmington and was a Kenyon Review Peter Taylor fellow. 他的作品已在 The Guardian, Gulf Coast, 洛杉矶评论, Passages North,及其他地点. A native of New Orleans, he lives in Texas.

Kaitlin Ketchum - Class of 2008

Kaitlin Ketchum is the editorial director of art, gift, and popular culture publishing at Ten Speed Press, 这是旧金山湾区的企鹅兰登书屋旗下的一家公司. Specializing in illustrated nonfiction, she acquires and edits books about art, lifestyle, pop culture, science, history ,self-improvement, 以及社会公正, as well as graphic novels and photography books. 有十年的专业出版经验, she has guided more than 70 authors through the publishing process and has acquired and edited numerous award-winning and bestselling books, including six New York Times bestsellers.

Jonathan Arlan - Class of 2008

Jonathan Arlan is a writer and editor. Born and raised on the Great Plains, 他一直住在新奥尔良, New York, Egypt, Japan, 和塞尔维亚,游历了35个国家. His first book, Mountain Lines: A Journey through the French Alps,于2017年出版.

Catherine Lacey - Graduated 2007

凯瑟琳·莱西是四部小说的作者: 没有人会失踪,答案,某些美国州,以及皮尤研究中心. She is a 2019 Guggenheim Fellow, a recipient of a 2016 Whiting Award, 并获得了纽约艺术基金会的艺术家奖学金. One of Granta Magazine's "Best of Young American Novelists,,她还被列入了国际笔会/让·斯坦奖的候选名单, 纽约警察局青年狮子奖, and shortlisted for the Dylan Thomas Prize. She is shocked by and thankful for the translators who have made her books available in other languages. With Forsyth Harmon, she co-authored 外遇的艺术, an illustrated guide to love and hate between dozens of twentieth century artists. Born in Mississippi, she now lives in Chicago.

E Martin Nolan - Class of 2006

E Martin Nolan is a poet, essayist and editor. 他在 The Puritan在那里,他还发表了许多文章、采访和博客文章. 他在多伦多大学的工程传播专业任教, 现为约克大学应用语言学博士研究生. 在底特律出生和长大, 他在易胜博获得英语学士学位, 并在多伦多大学获得创意写作硕士学位.

Vincent A. Celluci——2005届毕业生

Vincent A. Cellucci is a writer and the College of Art + Design’s Communication across the Curriculum Studio Coordinator at Louisiana State University. 他专门研究诗歌, 3D扫描打印, 数字文档, 投资发展, 以及艺术和设计学科的教学和写作. 文森特在路易斯安那州立大学获得文学硕士学位, and he attended 易胜博 to earn his Bachelor's degree in English Writing with a background in studio arts by cross-enrolling at Tulane University. In 2010, he collaborated with the Louisiana Division of the Arts to develop and host several Artist Communication Workshops.

他的一些出版物包括诗歌、翻译和评论 Best American Experimental Writing, 伯克利诗歌评论, 最佳美国诗歌, Exquisite Corpse, 《易胜博》, New Delta Review, 新奥尔良评论, Xavier Review, moria, The Pedestal, So and So Mag, TENDER_LOIN, and Toad Suck Review. 一个容易死的地方 他的第一本诗集是吗. Cellucci contributed, edited, and produced a collaborative (including Andrei Codrescu) audio novel, 卡特里娜十日谈, which was released on iTunes in late  2010, and he is the founder of River Writers, a downtown Baton Rouge (pop up) reading series.

Peyton Burgess - Class of 2004

佩顿·伯吉斯是这部短篇小说集的作者 煎锅是不够的. 他正在写一部小说,并在纽约出版了一些节选 The Paris Review, Tin House online, Joyland Magazine, Autre, and 双体船文学读物. 其他作品也出现在 McSweeney的互联网趋势, 《易胜博》, 新奥尔良评论, 《易胜博》, and 7x7. He received his MFA in Creative Writing from New York University and is pursuing his PhD in Education at Virginia Commonwealth University, 他还在哪里工作作为教学设计师和创意写作教练. You can find more about him here.

Luke Jerod Kummer - Class of 2002

Luke Jerod Kummer is a writer and an editor. 他的作品已在杂志上发表 New York Times, the Washington PostNew Republic, the Washingtonian彭博商业周刊, the Village Voice, The Millions 以及其他出版物. 他2019年的历史小说, The Blue Period, imagines the tragic events that colored the palette used by a young Pablo Picasso to paint somber portraits of shared suffering during the first years of the 20th century, 后来转向立体主义,使他成为了名人. 这本书已被翻译成两种语言,并在 Literary Hub and American Way. Kummer’s new storytelling project for Audible Originals is set to be released in 2021. He graduated from 易胜博 in 2002 with an English Writing degree.

Mary Anne Franks - Class of 1999

Mary Anne Franks, Professor of Law and Dean’s Distinguished Scholar, is a nationally and internationally recognized expert on the intersection of civil rights and technology. She teaches classes on criminal law, 刑事诉讼程序, 第一修正案, 第二修正案, family law, 法律和技术. Professor Franks is also an Affiliated Faculty member of the University of Miami Department of Philosophy and an Affiliate Fellow of the Yale Law School Information Society Project (ISP).  Dr. Franks is the author of the award-winning book, 对宪法的崇拜:我们对枪支和言论自由的致命忠诚 (斯坦福出版社,2019). In 2020, she was awarded a grant from the Knight Foundation to support research for her second book, Fearless Speech (expected 2022). Her scholarship has appeared in the 《易胜博》, the 加州法律评论, and UCLA Law Review, among others. Dr. 弗兰克斯还为大众媒体撰写了许多文章,包括《易胜博》 New York Times, the Atlantic, the Washington Post, and Newsweek. She has delivered more than a hundred lectures to a range of audiences around the world, 包括法学院, domestic violence organizations, law firms, 科技公司. 她于2018年10月被任命为美国法律研究所的成员.

Kevin Rabalais - Class of 1998

Kevin Rabalais is the author of 欲望的风景, a novel的联合编辑 Novel Voices, 神圣的侵入:洛约拉大学教师读者, and Conversations with James Salter. His writing and photography have appeared in Tin House, The Kenyon Review, The 洛杉矶评论 of Books, The Australian, and 新西兰的听众. He has a regular feature series in Louisiana Life magazine and teaches in the Department of English at 易胜博.


我叫Stephen Panus, I'm a 1995 School of Law alumnus, and I am the author of "Walk On," which was selected by "Good Morning America" as their featured GMA Book Club Buzz pick for their April 20th show. I have received endorsements and testimonials from Rob Marciano (Good Morning America), Kyle Brandt (NFL Network/CBS Sports), 伊恩·拉波波特(NFL电视网), Lindsay Czarniak(福克斯体育), 吉姆·罗马(CBS体育广播), 乔·德雷普(纽约时报), 马蒂·史密斯(ESPN), 哈里斯·帕斯蒂德, 在许多人当中. 《易胜博》是一个鼓舞人心、情感强大的故事,超越了悲伤, loss, and love and provides anyone suffering from any form of adversity or hardship with hope. Moreover, it's an authentic story of a father who honors that "our vulnerability is our strength" and therefore takes the reader where few men have gone - to the raw underbelly of surviving the loss of his 16-year-old son suddenly and turning pain into purpose.

The most trusted, authoritative, and influential voice in the publishing world, 柯克斯书评, proclaims "Walk On" to be "a raw, 感人的回忆录,巧妙地探索了悲伤和希望 ... 这是帕努斯独特的,有时是诗意的措辞, however, that truly bring Jake’s story to life ... The author’s acknowledgment that grief is an 'unwelcome topic in our society' makes his willingness to tackle it head-on even more admirable."

A little over three and a half years ago, 我16岁的儿子, 杰克(费尔菲尔德勒德洛高中即将升入三年级的学生), CT, and a football and lacrosse player), was a passenger in a vehicle when he was killed in a senseless and reckless crash on Block Island, RI while away with his girlfriend and her family. My life imploded that instant we heard the news. In order to survive this soul-crushing tragedy, I began to write, and over time, much time, 出现在我的书《易胜博》中." University of South Carolina Head Football Coach Shane Beamer wrote the Preface to the book. Jake's enduring legacy and the launch of the Jake Panus Walk On Scholarship funds have been chronicled nationally across the media over the last several years.


Tom Molanphy grew up in central Texas and attended Loyola University in New Orleans. He moved to Spokane to work at a homeless shelter and to Belize to learn from Mayans. He earned his MFA in Creative Writing from the University of Montana and currently teaches at the Academy of Art in San Francisco. 他也是 Following Mateo: Two Years Searching In Belize. Portions of 《安静生活的响亮回忆 have appeared in slightly different form in Red Ochre Lit, 主轴点刺, Glasschord and FortyOunceBachelors.

Bob Cowser Jr. - Class of 1992

Bob Cowser, Jr.他最近的一本书 《绿色原野:犯罪、惩罚和两者之间的少年时代 获得了阿迪朗达克作家中心颁发的“最佳回忆录”奖, 2012年《最佳美国散文》引用了其中一段摘录. His first book, Dream Season, was a 《易胜博》 《易胜博》和《易胜博》入选并列入其中 Chronicle of Higher Education's best-ever college sports books. 考瑟也是 Scorekeeping,一本关于成长的文集,也是 我们为什么在这里:纽约散文家生活在纽约州北部他的作品广泛出现在美国文学杂志上. He is Professor of English at St. 劳伦斯大学, where he teaches courses in nonfiction writing and American literature and was named the 2012 Owen D. Young Outstanding Faculty Member. He has taught abroad in France, England, and Denmark, and in state and federal prisons.

Martin Pousson - Class of 1987

Martin Pousson是一位小说家, poet, 加州州立大学北岭分校教授, 他在那里教创意写作课程和酷儿研究课程. He was born and raised in the bayou land of Louisiana and earned a BA in English at 易胜博, where he was named Most Outstanding Graduate, 并在哥伦比亚大学获得创意写作硕士学位, 在那里他获得了首届艺术学院院长奖学金奖. He taught at Columbia University, 在加入CSUN之前,他曾在罗格斯大学和洛约拉大学工作. His first novel, 没有地方,路易斯安那州, was a finalist for the John Gardner Fiction Book Award, and his first collection of poetry, Sugar曾入围拉姆达文学奖同性恋诗歌奖. His second novel, Black Sheep Boy, won the PEN Center USA Fiction Award and a National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship. 这部小说还入围了辛普森家庭文学奖, and it was featured on NPR’s The Reading Life, as a Los Angeles Times Literary Pick, as The Millions Best Summer Horror Selection, as a Book Riot Must-Read Indie Press Book, 并入围了《易胜博》年度最佳图书奖. Stories from Black Sheep Boy were selected for the annual Best Gay Stories and Best Gay Speculative Fiction anthologies. At CSUN, 他获得了杰出教师奖的杰出创作成就, an Excellence in Teaching Award, and the Jerome Richfield Scholar Award. He has served as founding advisor of the Northridge Creative Writing Circle and as faculty advisor for LGBTQA, Queer Ambassadors, and the Queer People of Color Committee.

George Bishop Jr. - Class of 1983

George Bishop, Jr., holds a BA from Loyola University in New Orleans, 他是北卡罗来纳大学威尔明顿分校的艺术硕士, 以及佛蒙特州国际培训学院的硕士学位. He has lived and taught in Slovakia, Turkey, Indonesia, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, India, and Japan. His first novel, 给女儿的信, was published by Ballantine Books in 2010; his second, 彗星之夜, came out in 2013, also with Ballantine. Kirkus Reviews named Comet one of the “Best Books of 2013.”


John Biguenet是易胜博英语名誉教授. He has published seven books, including Oyster, a novel, and The Torturer's Apprentice: Stories, released in the United States by Ecco /柯林斯 并且被广泛翻译. 他的作品受到好评 O. Henry Award for short fiction 以及《易胜博》写作奖等奖项, and his poems, stories, plays, and essays have been reprinted or cited in The Best American Mystery Stories, 获奖故事:The O. Henry Awards, The Best American Short Stories, Best Music Writing, Contemporary Poetry in America, Katrina on Stage, and various other anthologies.

Holly Iglesias - Class of 1971

霍莉·伊格莱西亚斯的作品包括三本诗集 Sleeping Things (Press 53), 接近角 (白松出版社)和 萎缩世界的纪念品 (Kore Press)—and a critical work, Boxing Inside the Box: Women’s Prose Poetry (Quale Press). 此外,她还翻译了古巴诗人Caridad Atencio的作品. 她获得了国家艺术基金会颁发的奖学金, the North Carolina Arts Council, 爱德华·阿尔比基金会, and the Massachusetts Cultural Council. Iglesias currently teaches in the MFA Program in